Android 6.0 Marshmallow vs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop: What’s New

Android 6.0 Marshmallow vs Android 5.1.1 LollipopHere’s what’s new in Android 6.0 Marshmallow vs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

1.The Lockscreen

Generally speaking, Google does not spend any time on showing off the little neat improvements. The new lockscreen in Marshmallow is one of those things. The clock is now bolder. The dialer shortcut has been replaced with a voice search shortcut, which is a bit bizarre for someone like me. It’s not often that you want to search for things right when you unlock a phone.

Configurable Quick settingsOne thing about stock Android was that the Quick settings were not configurable at all. They end up taking a lot of space, with unnecessary tiles. Thankfully that is now solved in Marshmallow. Press and hold the Settings gear icon in the Quick settings to unlock ‘Device Tuner’. This allows you to add new tiles or junk the ones you don’t need. I’ve never been happier.

3.Now on Tap

have been yearning for and it works amazingly well. Google has shown a lot of innovative thinking with Google Now, but the new Now on Tap feature takes it a step further.
We found hints of this feature in Chrome for Android, where you could tap on a word and Chrome would quickly show you a quick tap-to-search button on the bottom. You can pull it up, quickly read about it and close it without leaving the current page. Something similar but more drastic, Now on Tap scavenges for keywords whenever you summon it. It can be a bit slow, but note that it looks for keywords in the current screen and loads up cards for each keyword.
4.Android Pay

An Apple Pay and Samsung Pay competitor, Android Pay is Google’s way of saying its Wallet service has failed. Although loved by geeks (when it works), Google Wallet never gained traction. Android Pay aims to change that by bringing banks and payment services in control of the entire transaction process instead of Google acting as the sole intermediary. This is also far more secure and faster than Google Wallet.

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